History of Lottery Winning
The word “lotto” comes from the Italian word “lotto”, which means end or end. Many quinielas lottery games in the English-speaking world are called lottery games. How to win the lottery has been a worldwide question for hundreds, even thousands of years.
Ancient Quiniela in Argentina
Lotteries have an ancient, revered and decorated history. There are many biblical references to casting lots to give ownership and in Numbers, Chapter 26, Moses uses the lottery to give land west of the Jordan River. In the New Testament, Roman soldiers cast lots to determine who would receive Jesus’ outer garment after the crucifixion.
Most of the money raised was used to fund the construction of the Great quinielas Wall, which was intended to protect the cycle.
The Origin of Modern Lottery
Europe’s first recorded quinielas lottery was seized in 1446 by the widow of Flemish artist Jan Van Eyck to discard his remaining paintings. Winning this lottery would give you a prize worth mega millions today!
The Encyclopedia Britannica states that the lottery, as we know it, began in 15th-century France when it was used by individual cities to raise funds to strengthen the city’s defenses (Europe has a strong tradition of citizens who consider it part of the city rather than the country. .) The King of France Francis I allowed the lottery to operate from 1520, and the first municipal lottery to give money as a prize was. Other Italian cities soon followed suit.